Have you just recovered from a basement flood or are worried that your home might have a leaky basement? You can protect your property from flooding by waterproofing your basement. At City Residential Foundation Repair, our team of experts specialize in Ottawa foundation repairs and waterproofing services that can keep your home dry while safeguarding the structural integrity of your home. In 4 simple steps, we’ll waterproof your foundation and prevent any leaks from happening in the future. Let us show you how:
Our waterproofing process starts out with excavating the soil that surrounds the walls of your home to expose the underneath footings. We then look for any cracks or damage that may exist in the foundation. If found, these problems will be repaired with KING hydraulic dry cement before we begin to waterproof the foundation.
Once the cement has set, our technicians will then go to work by installing a waterproof membrane made of Platon material. This high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is used to control the moisture and to ensure that your foundation stays dry even in the heaviest of weather conditions. We’ll also seal the eco-friendly Platon with a urethane caulking for ultimate protection.
To prevent any foundation leaks from happening in the future and to keep your basement dry for years to come, our technicians will also install a new exterior drainage system. This will ensure that water is kept away from your home and any hydrostatic pressure created by the earth that surrounds your basement walls is alleviated. Once in place, we’ll then backfill the area with a clear stone material that can add even more integrity to the concrete foundation of your home.
We know how important it is to our clients to have attractive looking lawns. That’s why once we’re finished backfilling the area, we will take the time to restore your greenscaping. We’ll make sure your lawn looks just as beautiful as it did before we started the excavation process. When we’re finished, your home’s waterproofing process will be finally complete, and you can immediately start to enjoy the benefits of flood-free, worry-free living.
Most people are unaware that there’s an easy and affordable solution to correct their flooding problems. When you call our fully licensed and insured contractors, you won’t have to continue to pay those excessive fees to constantly correct the water damage in your basement. Our waterproofing services will fix these problems and save you a substantial amount of money in the long-run. We’ve helped hundreds of residents in Ottawa, Orleans, Kanata, Bells Corners, Manotick and the surrounding areas to get the protection they need to keep their homes dry and free from damage. Contact us today to set up and appointment and say goodbye to those costly leaks and floods for good.
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